Ticket sale started


DevFest Berlin 2015 started ticket sale two days ago

20% of the tickets sold after less than 48 hours - WOOHOO!

It’s not like we want to create a panic or anything but we already sold the first 20% of the tickets for our upcoming DevFest in under 48 hours!

  • Early ~(‾▿‾)~ tickets are already sold out
  • Firestarter \ō͡≡o˞̶ tickets are nearly sold out

Obviously we want to thank everyone who purchased a ticket because we appreciate the trust you are giving us. We are working hard to create the best line up of the local community and beyond but it will take us a little bit longer.

Until then you can enjoy the cheap tickets as long as they last. Tell your friends, colleagues and your mom! We are also open to a few more talk submissions, so please consider adding one to our list.

Get your ticket now

Submit a talk proposal here

Any questions?

Email organizers at team@devfest-berlin.de

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